Prayer Requests - November 2018

As Hands at Work looks toward the end of the year, we invite you to praise God for all He has done in 2018 and pray in earnest expectation for all He will do in 2019. 

- Thank God for our local volunteer Care Workers who give their time, energy and resources to serve the most vulnerable children across Africa. Pray for renewed energy and committment as they enter into 2019.

- Throughout 2018, Hands at Work started serving in several new communities and were able to increase the number of the children that we are caring for in many of our communities across Africa. Praise God for the generosity of our partners which enables us to extend the reach of our care. Pray for each child coming to the Care Point to feel loved and accepted.

- Please pray for our children over the Christmas Holidays as this season adds an additional level of vulnerability for our children in the community. Pray for God to protect and provide for them.

- As the Regional Support Teams in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe plan, prepare and dream for 2019, ask God to give them wisdom and discernment.

- In the middle of October, there was a gathering of African leaders and international volunteers from across Africa. Praise God for the way that He ministered and spoke deeply into the hearts of each person attending. 

- Praise God for the teams and visitors who came to serve with Hands at Work in 2018. Thank God for the transformation that has taken place in the lives of each person who came. Ask God to prepare the hearts and minds of each person who will be coming to Africa in 2019. 

- People within Hands at Work travel many miles on a regular basis to serve the most vulnerable. Praise God for His protection and faithfulness.

- As several of our volunteers travel from Africa to their home countries for Christmas, pray that their time will be restful as they enjoy quality time with their families.

October Gathering 2018

From the 7th – 13th of October, a group of Hands at Work volunteers from across Africa are meeting in Zambia to plan, prepare and dream for 2019.

We invite you to join us in praying for:



Safety, health and protection, smooth border crossings, and great conversations as we travel and throughout the week.


The Hospitality Team in Zambia

The team is preparing to welcome Hands at Work family from across Africa to Kachele Village. Ask God to give them strength and energy as they serve the community.


Open Hearts and Minds

May each person receive all that God has for them during the gathering.


Wisdom and Unity

 Goals and expectations are being set for 2019. Pray for closer and deeper relationships to be built.



From Monday to Friday, the focus will be on Holy Home Visits, Health Care, Food Security, Church Mobilisation and Finances. Ask God to guide each person facilitating the different sessions.


Taking it Home

Those attending from the Hands at Work Local Offices across Africa will apply the messages and goals learnt in their homes and in the communities they serve.  May God give wisdom and endurance as they bring hope to others.


Prayer Requests - August 2018

Maranatha Workshops Follow Up

As Maranatha Workshops are held throughout each of our communities across Africa for our Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and children, God is transforming the lives of the most vulnerable. They are the poorest of the poor, but they are meeting Jesus, who became poor for our sake. As the revelation of His sacrifice and love becomes real to our Care Workers, they are experiencing a completely new reality and a completely new Saviour.

As the Hands at Work local office teams across Africa continue to meet with the Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and children to deepen their understanding of what they learned in the Maranatha Workshops, please stand with us in prayer.

-       Pray the Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and children would further come to know the truth of Jesus Christ and that this will set them free from their inner wounds and trauma. The reality is that many of our communities across Africa do not know the truth of the gospel.

-       Pray the Care Workers will know ‘The Jesus We Know’ and experience the unconditional love that He has for them.

-       Ask God that the outworking of the Maranatha Workshops would be a renewed and fresh passion for our Care Workers to care even further for the most vulnerable children in their community through the love of Jesus.

-       Pray for Primary Caregivers as they continue to meet in Relationship Groups where they can share their challenges and encourage one another. Pray they will be open and honest, allowing one another to speak into the broken areas of their lives.

-       As our Primary Caregivers experience healing and the love of Jesus, pray that they will be able to help bring that healing and restoration to the children they are caring for.

-       Many of the most vulnerable children have experienced trauma and pain in their young lives. At the workshop, the children learned about Jesus, His love and the Holy Spirit. Pray they will be healed from their inner wounds and truly be able to grasp and accept the truth of Jesus’ presence in their lives.

-       As the children experience healing in their lives, pray they will be able to help bring that same healing to other children at the Care Point and in the surrounding communities.

-       Pray for wisdom and guidance for the Hands at Work local office teams as they support, encourage and challenge the Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and children to take what they learned at the workshop and live it out.

40 Days of Prayer - Day 40


‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come! – Revelation 22:20

When Jesus arose from the dead, He showed us that there is no wound too deep, no scar too unbearable that He cannot heal. As we await His triumphant return, challenge yourself to give your heart completely to God. Ask our Father what it means to fight for justice and act in faith on behalf of those who are broken. Pray for the last 40 Days to have brought about a renewed sense of God’s Kingdom to all of us who have prayed together. He who testifies to these things says, 

40 Days of Prayer - Holy Saturday

“He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.” –  Romans 4:25

The day after Jesus died His friends and family and followers were alone and did not know if He would really rise again. Imagine how they felt, and how others feel who do not have Jesus in their lives. Jesus combined endless love with epic suffering, standing in solidarity with those who also suffered. Pray that we too will stand in love for those who suffer the unimaginable. Ask God to give us the grace and compassion to stand in the gap on behalf of the most vulnerable.