Help us build resilience in vulnerable children, families and communities across Africa. Building resilience means empowering men and women from the local church to pursue and strengthen the most vulnerable children and families through friendship, advocacy, discipleship and the provision of food security, basic health care and education.

$25 per month ensures the local church is mentored and supported, as well as have the tools they need to provide one child with access to food security, basic health care and education.

In making my gift, I understand and acknowledge that this gift is being made to support Hands at Work in Africa (Canada) Society’s (“Hands at Work”) ministry, and that sole discretion to make use of the gift resides with Hands at Work. I understand that Hands at Work may use my gift as it sees best to fulfill its ministry. For more information about contribution options or to adjust your recurring donation, please contact us at  or calling our office at (403) 808-7767.

Hands at Work in Africa (Canada) Society was incorporated in February 2008 as an independent society, registered in the Province of Alberta, Canada. The Society has qualified for tax-exempt status and was registered as a Canadian Charity effective October 29, 2009. Hands at Work in Africa (Canada) Society's Charitable Number in Canada is 848314225 RR0001. Tax receipts are issued on an annual basis after the end of the calendar year, for all donations in excess of $20.00.