Day 29 - Welcome to Malawi (#40Days2024)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

Malawi is one of eight countries Hands at Work is serving in across Africa. Malawi has a population of 22,402,783 people, with 73% of the population living in extreme poverty. Ranking 169 out of 187 on the Human Development Index, there are 57,000 children living with HIV/AIDS and 470,000 children who have been orphaned because of this life-threatening illness. –Sources: UNAID, UNDP, World Poverty Clock

As we start the week, please join us in praying for the country of Malawi:

• “Pray for a good transition as more Primary Caregivers become Care Workers. Pray for Malawi as the economy deteriorates which has made life for people in the communities very hard and tough. Pray for God’s intervention.” (Royie, Regional Support Team Leader, Malawi)

As you pray, remember the International Offices in Australia, Canada, Germany and the US who serve with Hands at Work to care for the most vulnerable in Africa. Pray for each of the advocates and churches in these countries that partner with Hands at Work. Pray that they will remain steadfast in their calling to serve. Pray that they will be encouraged even in times of difficulty.