Day 39 - Good Friday

Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last. – Luke 23:44-49

Today, we invite you to read Luke 23: 44-49. Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate example of His unfailing love for us. It was the world’s attempt to silence Him from proclaiming good news to the poor, setting the captives free, bringing sight to the blind and giving hope to the oppressed. Praise God that this was not the end of His story. Thank God that through Jesus’ sacrifice, we can live in freedom with Him forever. Pray for Rosa and other vulnerable children, Care Workers, Primary Caregivers across Africa, churches and Hands at Work volunteers to truly understand the weight of His sacrifice. Pray that we learn, through Jesus’ example, what it means to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice.
