Intercede on Behalf of our Youth

One of the most significant impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic in Africa is the closure of schools, which has stripped our children of both a healthy routine of learning and of a structure to occupy their days. This is a particular challenge for our adolescents and teenagers as they search for meaning and belonging. While some of our most vulnerable youth have found purpose by increasing their involvement at our Care Points, helping prepare and serve food or caring for younger children, others are struggling with the constant draw around them to unhealthy lifestyles and relationships. In the most vulnerable communities the consequences of bad choices are severe, and the choice in front of our youth can literally be a choice between life and death. 

Today, we want to invite you to join us in interceding on behalf of the youth, who are in desperate need of Christ’s love to break through into their lives.

  • Thank God for the youth, who have remained strong and courageous in the face of these temptations and, instead of straying away, have drawn closer to the Care Workers at the Care Point and are helping care for the younger children.

  • Pray for each one of our youth, that they will come to know and believe the transformational love and hope of Christ.

  • Ask God to give our youth the courage and determination that they need to stand against peer pressure and other strongholds in their community.

  • Pray for our youth who are involved in unhealthy lifestyles. Ask God to use the Care Workers and the local Hands at Work teams to speak truth into their situations. Pray for the youth to turn from the behaviours and activities that they are involved in and instead start spending more time at the Care Point, surrounded by women who value and love them and who spread infectious hope that comes from God