How Are YOU Being Called?

How can you, your friends, family, church, and community be involved in serving God’s Kingdom by caring for the most vulnerable in Africa?

COME: See and participate in God’s transforming work in Africa.

In February, a group of new volunteers from Australia, Canada, and the US are travelling to Africa to begin their year of serving with Hands at Work. Throughout this year, many teams from across the world are planning to visit Africa to see communities, meet children, and be an encouragement to local and international volunteers. Has God been calling you to Africa? Come! Visit Hands at Work's 'Come' Page to learn more. Email to find out more information and find answers to your questions.

ADVOCATE: Be a voice for the voiceless.

You can make an impact wherever you are. We are called to speak on behalf of others, stand in solidarity with the poor, and bring hope to the oppressed. How can you use your creativity, gifts, and resources to advocate for the poor in Africa? Hosting an African night, talent show, auction, movie night, pie drives, chocolate fundraisers, breakfasts or dinners, or gold coin donations are just a few ways you can be involved and make a difference in a child’s life. Read more about how God calls us to advocate for His children.

PRAY: Place the needs of the widowed and orphaned before God.

Prayer is essential – and often the most powerful tool we can use in caring for the most vulnerable. Join us throughout the year and lift up children, families, volunteers, teams – those you know by name and those you might not know into the hands of our Father. Visit Hands at Work’s Prayer Page and sign up for regular Prayer Emails.