Hands Australian Community Partnerships

Happy Easter!  We hope you have had a great start to 2014.

Hands at Work in Africa (Australia) want to thank you for your support. Without your prayers and generosity, orphaned and vulnerable children across six communities in Africa would not have access to 3 Essential services to their development: One nutritious meal per day, Education and Basic Healthcare.

The six communities Australia is supporting in 2014 are:

Chibuli and New Wells (Zambia) , Kikula (Democratic Republic of Congo), Ago Okota and Ilaje (Nigeria), and Pfunani (South Africa)What a huge difference you, our Australian donors, are making in the lives of these orphaned and vulnerable children and the widows of Africa.   Altogether, there are over 60 communities in 8 countries being cared for by Hands at Work volunteers.  We appreciate your ongoing commitment in supporting our children living amongst the poorest of the poor.


If you aren’t as yet supporting a child and would like to, please visit www.handsatwork.org/au-donate/, using GIVENOW for credit card gifts, or download our regular giving donation form, and email it to info@au.handsatwork.org.  $20 a month will Feed, Educate and provide Basic Healthcare for a child for a month enabling their Careworkers to provide the nurture and care to allow these young ones to have a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).


We also invite you to COME and visit Hands at Work in Africa on a short term or longer term mission trip this year.  There are 2 week short term mission trips happening in June / July, a 2 month Serve and Learn Team (SALT) commencing in May as well as longer term mission trips of 12 months with the intake commencing in September.


If you would like a volunteer from Hands at Work in Australia to come and speak at your group or church, please email me at rachel@au.handsatwork.org.  We would love to hear from you.


The orphaned and widows are so close to our Heavenly Father’s heart!  In the bible at James 1:27 it says:  

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”


Let’s keep working together to care………