2014 in Review

On behalf of all the Australian volunteers at Hands at Work, I wanted to thankyou for your continued support both in donating funds, and for advocating for the orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa in 2014. 

The Hands at Work communication team have especially made a THANKYOU video for you.http://vimeo.com/handsatwork/thankyou2014.  It is a great overview of 2014.

There have been many exciting things happening in Australia as well in 2014.  It is brilliant to see teams and volunteers go across to Hands at Work in Africa to see, know and encourage.  For many,  children and Care Workers are no longer nameless, they are known and prayed for in deep relationship. 

Teams can be formed (up to 12 people) from your group or church to see what is happening across Africa.  It will be a life changing experience which you will never regret!  If you would like any information on teams, please email info@au.handsatwork.org.  Already four are approved for 2015!

  • This year saw teams from Heart City Church in Perth and from Sunbury in Victoria go to South Africa. Both teams were deeply impacted by these trips and they have both returned with a heart to support and advocate for the orphaned and vulnerable children, and for the careworkers who love and support them.
  • In October a construction team went across to Kachele Farm in Zambia to help build, construct and renovate buildings there to improve and increase the accommodation where many teams stay if they are going to Zambia. We thank Peter and Sue Earnshaw from Sydney and Neville Mayfield from Adelaide for taking part in this team. 
  • Clinton Wood, Tim McLaughlin and Phil McLaughlin participated in Vision Trips this year and visited communities in Zambia, Swaziland, South Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 
  • Two siblings have served Hands as medium-term (8 months - 2 years) volunteers. Brooke Wilson returned during 2014, and her brother Daniel is currently serving for most of 2015 (see photos on left and right below). What an opportunity!
  • There are another three medium term volunteers - from NSW, QLD and TAS who have been approved for service – leaving for Africa will join the February 2015 intake – this is the most ever for Hands in Australia! We are deeply grateful to Mark House (TAS), Jade McClain, (QLD) and Jared Wood (NSW) for their service in 2015.
  • • We also thank God for our amazing long-term volunteers: Mel Warren (NSW), Stephen & Busie Jones (NSW), and Sal & Robyn Hunziker (VIC). Combined they have served Hands for over 40 years!

We also thank God for our amazing long-term volunteers:  Mel Warren (NSW), Stephen & Busie Jones (NSW), and Sal & Robyn Hunziker (VIC).  Combined they have served Hands for over 40 years!

We’ve also seen many fundraisers held this year which make such a difference to build a platform of care under our vulnerable children – providing nutrition, education and health-care. A big ‘ThankYou’ to all involved in 2014.

It is truly a privilege to stand with our brothers and sisters in Africa and be a part of Hands at Work as they empower our communities to care for the Orphaned , Vulnerable and Widowed.  Your assistance helps us serve over 60 of the poorest of the poor Communities across Africa. 

Just $20 a month provides NUTRITION, EDUCATION and BASIC HEALTH-CARE for a child : AMAZING!  If we all committed to looking one more child imagine the difference that Australia would make.  This is such a demonstration of the second great rule of Jesus – to love our neighbour as ourself - Will you make a commitment to provide for one (more) child?

If yes, and you haven’t done this as yet: Visit the website  www.handsatwork.org/au.  You can give by selecting “Give Now” or fill out the Arise+Build form and email to info@au.handsatwork.org.  If you are more comfortable just phoning J, call Jenny Wood in admin on 0402 433 896 or 02 9576 7876 and we can get things started for you.  Some of our community projects are tax deductible, so please ask about this when you phone or email.

God cares deeply for the vulnerable: Orphans and Widows.  In Psalm 68:5 he refers to himself as Father to the fatherless and Defender of the widow.  When we care for those that He cares for, we are following Jesus – Just as Jesus followed His Father’s will in coming to care for us – something that we celebrate at Christmas!

We humbly thank you for your support in 2014 and we look expectantly for 2015 as we care together for our neighbours in poverty in Africa.  The Christmas season is often short-handed because volunteers are often back at home – please pray for our children and careworkers during their difficult times!

We wish you a happy and safe Christmas as we celebrate Jesus’ birth and spend time with family.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”  James 1:27