Hardship and Happiness


Leyton Wood was a volunteer with Hands at Work in Australia even before coming to Africa. In February 2013, he came to serve on the ground in Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe for 10 months. Now back in Australia, he was given an opportunity to share at his church, President Avenue Community Church.

Leyton tells stories of the “contrast between hardship and happiness” he witnessed with his own eyes and heart. He was challenged by the poverty he saw, and how to cope with it upon returning to Australia:

We feel bad about the stories of poverty and war, but we aren’t willing to make significant sacrifices to do something about it. It’s an easy way out, to ignore the problem. This is something I’ve struggled with being back. It’s so easy to forget about the stories you hear.


Listen to Leyton’s full message and be blessed by the honest account of a young man who travelled to Africa with an open heart and was forever changed.

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 33 minutes (This may take a moment to start)