Global prayer and fasting: 2 & 3 December

As we near the end of the year, we invite you to join us for a time of being still, reflecting and interceding for Africa's most vulnerable: its orphaned and marginalized children. Globally, throughout eight African countries and five of the developed nations, the Hands at Work family will set aside 2 & 3 December (this week) to pray and fast.
“Love must be sincere... Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need.” Romans 12:9-13
Beginning on 2 December we begin our global fast focussing on the vulnerable children we serve across Africa. James Tembo, based in Zambia, shared the following earlier this year at the annual Hands at Work Celebration: “True compassion is burdensome and results in action. When [last] did we fast for the orphans?”
The timing is strategic: The 'silly season' goes hand-in-hand with busyness and end-of-year fatigue. Setting this time aside gives us an opportunity to maintain a healthy perspective and to deepen our dependence & trust in God.
You're welcome to join us as we enter into a continuous chain of prayer from 9AM on 2 December until 4PM on 3 December. ("South Africa-time" is GMT +02:00). On these two days will be focus our prayer on the care & nurture of Africa's children. We'll pray for their futures, the realizing of their dreams and their salvation.
Note: The Prayer and Fasting will happen in Africa on 1 & 2 December and in our global families on 2 & 3 December. The idea is to accommodate community involvement.
We look forward to your feedback on what has come out of your dedicated time of prayer!
Keep checking back: we will post notes on fasting and updates on the various countries we work in to help guide your prayers.