Celebration across Africa a Huge Success! (SA) (ZAM) (MOZ) (NIG)

In early April this year we began celebrating with our communities and family across Africa: First in South Africa, then Zambia, on to Mozambique and finally in Nigeria in late May, covering all the regions in which we work.

This involved a large representation of our care workers and office staff coming together for a time to be refreshed, to build relationships, and to re-establish the vision, core values and the roles which each of us play. Now is the Time was the theme of the celebration and a strong Word shared throughout the conference was, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."

Here is some feedback from those who attended our celebrations:

From our South Africa Region with Swaziland Celebration

“[I realised] that we all have beautiful feet. We just need to keep walking in the name of Jesus.”

“[I realised] children are an important part of the future.”

“[I realised] starting with money is not as important as starting with the vision. Then God will provide as long as you serve Him faithfully.”

“I realised the extent of compassion which exists within the community-based organisations, and Hands at Work in the field, is sacrificial, Biblical, humbling and spurs me into action.”

“[I realised] I’m a voice to the voiceless and I should speak and do things on their behalf.”

“It is so lovely to meet as a family, together, to come to know each other and to be encouraged.”

From our Zambia Region with Malawi and Democratic Republic of Congo Celebration

“[I realised] it’s important to forgive and walk in unity with one another. Beautiful feet don’t walk alone, we must go together.”

“[I realised] even if I don’t have money, I can use my power and energy to care for the poor.”

From our Mozambique Region with Zimbabwe Celebration

“I learned that to be a community-based organisation volunteer, it is more about love in your heart than education and training.”

“[I learned that] to do this work you have to be committed, because there are many challenges.”

“[I enjoyed] to hear more CBOs sharing their own stories and gain encouragement from one another.”

“The most important thing I learned from the afternoon sessions today is to follow Jesus’ footsteps and humility, and to be obedient to do his work, committed to me. Also show love to one another.”

“It is a privilege to be used by God.”

“It was wonderful to learn about living servanthood. Our position as a child of God is to serve with humility.”

“Reaching the poorest of the poor you are giving life to the lifeless, hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless.”

View photos of our celebrations: