George's 2014 U.S. Tour: Thanks and Encouragement

Thank you to everyone who made George's 2014 U.S. Tour a huge success!

Use the map above to revisit each stop on the tour and read highlights of how God is moving people all across the U.S. to care for the poor and vulnerable! 

Below George encourages us to continue to unite with others here in the U.S. to serve each other and the most vulnerable in Africa and in our own communities.

1. San Francisco, CA: Hands family gathered for a reunion and George challenged the Church to go fetch our brothers and sisters in the same way our brother Jesus fetched us.

2. Los Angeles, CA: Visited a new church partner who gives 80% of their church budget to missions.  Wow!

3. Hibbing, MN: Gathered with friends and family of former long-term volunteers who support 140 children in Zambia.  Brrr!

4. Minneapolis, MN: Encouraged pastors and college students to value relationships first and to serve the poor and vulnerable in their own neighborhoods.

5. Springfield and St. Louis, MO: Ate ice cream with the team leader for Hands' first ever short-term team from 2001. Spent time with good friends from Nurses for Africa.

6. Chicago, IL: Had an impromptu holy home visit while traveling from the airport. Thankful for the opportunity to connect with children in our local communities.

7. Racine, WI: Reminded supporters during taco night that even though life is busy, we all have 24 hours per day. Life is short.  Don't waste it!

"I am taking two things with me from my recent visit to the U.S. Firstly, the growth of the Hands family in the U.S. I was overwhelmed with joy watching how past volunteers, family and friends drew that line in the sand and decided to sacrificially serve the vision of Hands to bring hope to the children we all know by name. Secondly, just the favour from our Father in the way He was opening new doors for us. It was not man-made opportunities, it was God-designed. It reminds me of the verse talking about the coming of Jesus 'in the fullness of time...' This is the time!! More than ever there is an urgency in our hearts... we must bring them home." 

                                                                      - George Snyman